Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm Proud of...*LaDonna*

1. Graduating

2. being cheerleader captain

3. Director of youth praise dance at church

4. a role model

5. being strong

6. contiuing my education

7. my career goal

8. my past

9. my parents

10. myself

I can't really choose one to write about so will what Mysti would call "Jump".

I am proud of being the elementary youth praise dance director only because, i chose to do it. I felt that God placesd it in my heart to care enough for the little gilrs in my church to teach them what i was taught as a child. I learned about praise dancing when i was about six years old. I notticed that the little girls of my church today did not have to privilege to get that experience with God. So, i took the liberty myself to take them under my wing and teach them what God has taught me. This is a big success. They love dancing and they love praising God. They are growing so much in front of my eyes and i am so grateful and proud to say that i had something to do with that.

I am also proud of graduating/career goal. Both of them work hand in hand. i am mostly proud of graduating with honors. My brother hadn't set a real good example for me, so I had to learn things about school myself. I took the hard classes and tried my best in all of them. I graduated top 20% of my class. I couldn't be happier. Now I am also proud of my decision for a career goal. I want to be a nurse. But not just any nurse, neo-natal nurse i have the next six to eight years of my life mapped out and i plan on sticking to them.

My parents. I am so proud of all of my parents. They have raised a strong, smart, beautiful girl. I don't know where i would be without them. they are my rock.

I lost two friends last year. I when i heard the news of each of them, I wanted to cry. I didn't. I knew that i needed to be strong for the ones who couldn't. I had to help them through this difficult time. One of my classmates died in a car accident. We were all devastated i went to the hospital where he was located and pronounced dead. I wanted to fall on my knees and break down. I looked to my left and seen his ex-girlfriend, my best friend, already on the ground. I needed to help her. I wanted to be strong. Many people think that being strong is all about having the strenght or who can do something for the longest. Not me, being strong is when you can be a mental help for others. When you stand up when they can't. Speak when they can't. Be there for them, when everyone else is too scared too. I was strong when i knew that times were hard. Don't get me wrong, at night i cried on the floor and bed, asking myself why. But when i got a phone call from a friend who just wanted someone to listen, i dried my tears and put strenghth in my voice and simply said, "I'm here." I don't know why i place it upon myself to do it, but somebody has to... right?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rule breaker. ALl you had to do was write about one thing. I enjoyed every bit of it though. From the career choice to being proud of the parents. Good job. With your goals set out, make sure you stay on course and finish it out and don't be afraid of change. Sometimes we think we know, but eventually the truth comes out. Take on the challenge.

