Tuesday, July 7, 2009

* Things That Make Me Proud * Mandy

  • The fact that I am able to raise my four children on my own
  • Taking a major step to go back to college
  • Not giving up when life throws me curve ball
  • My children (especially when I see them doing kind or thoughtful acts)
  • Keeping up with work, family, and home
  • Knowing that I have done the best I could

I go through day to day striving to get somewhere in my life. Chasing a dream that as soon as I think it's in my hands, I stumble and fall, leaving me with wonder and more demermination than ever to retain it. For some, it may be a job title, cars, or maybe homes; all that is good and fine, but I speak of those things that are more important to me, which is... not giving up. I put my all into raising my children and although I often fail, I am more determined now than ever. Raising four children alone can be hard, but after all the pressure is over, you can sit back and watch your work. There nothing like seeing your children from far off being respectful or doing kind deeds for others. It gives me a sense of acomplishment. I love it when others come to me and tell me how well behaved my children are, even though I know their otherside;and that's not always the case, but it makes me proud.

1 comment:

  1. Mandy--
    I, too, love watching my children from afar. One time at a city swimming pool my son's friend was making fun of a small boy who just flopped on a dive, and when my son realized the boy could overhear them, he said loudly to his friend, "Yeh, but did you see how cool that looked when he entered the water?" I knew he did this to protect the little boy's feelings--and it made me happy that he was this senstive. I will never forget that moment . .

