Monday, July 6, 2009

Begining and End (Luis)

I’m not even twenty one years old yet. What do I know about life? I can tell you right now: almost nothing. I know this, though: Life never stays still, we all move along and change. We become new people every day. We learn through experiences and, not find ourselves, but create ourselves as we continue through our lives. I have only lived for twenty years, but I know I’m not who I once was. I can prove this. I’m not even the same person I was just a few years ago. And I will never be that guy again.

There is still so much of my life left, though. I have time to keep growing, morally and mentally, I mean. Although I’m sure I’ll grow sideways, too. Love them burritos. So I’ll keep on keepin’ on, and we’ll see what happens!


  1. I like your beginning. I have a sense of what you might write about. Good luck on your book!

  2. oh I forgot to put my name. Its julia.

  3. Cute, I love the burrito part.

