Wednesday, July 8, 2009

10 Things I'm Proud Of (Jeremy Stewart)

Finishing My Book
Graduating From High School
Never Giving Up On School
Going To LSCPA
Finally Getting A Job I Like
Proud Of Sports
Proud Of Anime
Proud of Video Games
Proud Of My Family
Proud Of My Life

I've always been proud of video games my whole life. No matter what happens they always seem to impress me. To me they are my escape from problems I have in my everyday life. Their have been times when I felt down and out, but video games always seem to show me the light. A lot of people say video games are for little kids, but i beg to differ. If that's true then I must be a little kid in nineteen year old mans body.Heck, I know a ninety year old man who plays video games till this day. Now that's passion XD, well to me anyway. Thanks to video games I know what I wanna do with my life and I will accept nothing less from myself.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Eyes(Albertha Welch)

Stand ing in this dimly lit building i can almost hear the fear of all the children who have pass through the small beige hall way that reminds me of an asylum.

This is the first into to the book i dont know why i picked this as a beginning mabe it was a grey day for me because honestly i had to dig deep into my pass just bring back those memories most people try to forget there heart aches and pain but i am okay with mine for the fact it gives me something to smile about when i think about my beginning and where i stand now. My days may have started off glummy and grey but they are full of sunshine now and i smile.

My ending is I strive everyday to be a better person within my own right. I now have two boys of my own that i love and cherish with each day. I am learning how to cope with my own loniess but i remind myself to stay with God and i shall be lonely. That in its self speaks volume about where i am.

10 things I'm proud of (Julia)

1. Finishing my book !!!!!
2. Working for everything I earn
3. Making my mother proud
4. Helping my mom financially
5. Paying college myself
6. Getting through with the summer classes
7. Being independent
8. Doing 20-something hours of community service at Hospitality Center
9. My stepdad
10. Taking care of myself

Making my mother proud makes me happy. I didn’t live with her my whole life, so my memory of my childhood didn’t include her. It wasn’t till 8th grade that I live with her and stayed. It was hard trusting her because of the past, but I still wanted to talk to her like any mother and daughter does. She’s the type to make many excuses or never keeps her promise. I would think that I am a burden to her. The more I live with her, the more I realize how she actually cares. During high school, she began to ask me to show her my report card. I did well on my grades, and she told me she was proud of me. It wasn’t much but to me it was surprising. From then on, she start showing how much she cares and that she’s trying to be a good mother. When I graduate high school, she called my grandparents in Germany and talk about me all night. I like making her proud.

6 out of 10 things im proud of (Arielle)

  1. Having a 3.0 GPA
  2. Buying my own car
  3. Getting thought the summer
  4. Still being a V
  5. Being a Hardworking Independent Women
  6. Hearing the word proud

I want to graduate MCL (Magnum Cum Leda think that's how u spell it) Want to go all the way so i can get that high dollar job with out any worries or problems in life. Life is already stressful i just want that part to be Easy Like Sunday Morning.

I do not know how many people can say i bought my first car at the age of 18, but i can. I work hard to get the thing i want out of life. I want my kids to be able to do the same thing when and if i have some kids.

Getting thought the summer class without going KRAZY. I hate to be on a rush time limit but next time i know what to do.

To say I'm 19 i can still say I'm a V. People ask my why are u still one. I tell them I don't see the big deal in it. Everyone tells me I'm going to be like the 40 year old V. I don't believe so I dint feel like it'z my time yet.

Being a hardworking independent women is one of my best quality, but it intimidates men or boyz my age. At a young age I was one of the boyz, i don't mind watching sports or housing around, but also know when itz time to be for real or take responsibility. I just learn to deal with bing by myself. just look at im first proud of.

From my family that asked me how im doin tell them everything the first thing the say is im SO PROUD OF U. I loive when they say that i just get a big azz smile on my face.

My Opening (Arielle)

Arielle Desiree' Scypion was born May 23, 1990. She is the daughter of Yolanda L. Scypion and Glenn Batiste. He was an absent father. Arielle was not due tell August. Arielle was 2lbs 3 1\2 oz. She stayed in an incubater in the hospital for 6 months. When she she got out the hospital she was on an oxygen tank until around the age of one. As the years go by thiongs happen th her that would probably never happen to most people. She was reguarly tormented during her youth by other children. As she got she older she never thought she would be accepted in life by people until one day everything changed for good. From elementary thur high school Arielle was teased until one day she had a confrontation with a fellow classmate. The anger from past incidents was so strong she surprissed herself. After that day Arielle found out she was on anger person. In March of 2001, her mother married Byvion "Chris" Goudeaux which brought sisters Crystal, Sheena, Jasmine, brother Derrick, and new baby sister Madison.

This is my preface, i chosse to put all the main info here so you can have an understanding when reading the rest of the book.

* Things That Make Me Proud * Mandy

  • The fact that I am able to raise my four children on my own
  • Taking a major step to go back to college
  • Not giving up when life throws me curve ball
  • My children (especially when I see them doing kind or thoughtful acts)
  • Keeping up with work, family, and home
  • Knowing that I have done the best I could

I go through day to day striving to get somewhere in my life. Chasing a dream that as soon as I think it's in my hands, I stumble and fall, leaving me with wonder and more demermination than ever to retain it. For some, it may be a job title, cars, or maybe homes; all that is good and fine, but I speak of those things that are more important to me, which is... not giving up. I put my all into raising my children and although I often fail, I am more determined now than ever. Raising four children alone can be hard, but after all the pressure is over, you can sit back and watch your work. There nothing like seeing your children from far off being respectful or doing kind deeds for others. It gives me a sense of acomplishment. I love it when others come to me and tell me how well behaved my children are, even though I know their otherside;and that's not always the case, but it makes me proud.

How does one be proud without seeming braggy? (Mysti)

Hmmm . . . I am not sure how to answer Julia Cameron's prompt. So I reviewed the lists of those of you who have already posted, as well as Julia's own list, and this helped me a bit.
Let's see if I can come up with ten things.

1-4. I am proud of going back to college--all four times--so I am multiplying this by four!
2-4. I am proud of giving birth to a healthy child--at home, underwater, all three times!
5-6. I am proud of eating right and exercising--most of the time!
7. I am proud of being a teacher--and inspiring others as often as lightning strikes.
8. I am proud of not giving up on life when my husband left me for his secretary.
9. I am proud of being a writer.
10. I am proud of being unselfish--as fleeting as these moments may be!
11. I am proud of standing up against injustice--as this seems to be what I was born to do (as revealed to me by recurrent dreams--"to give voice to the voiceless" I am told).

Last night in my Brit Lit class we had a very interesting discussion regarding the characteristics of the best human beings of all time. We threw around names like Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandhi, and Bishop Tutu, and decided that the number one quality in a human being of excellence is their capacity for selflessness. Eric-in-the-back-row even said that selfishness is the root of all sin. Hmmm . . . I wondered if I believed this--or if I could think of an exception to it--and I didn't come up with one.

I used to think that I wanted my children to grow up and be happy and secure and comfortable. Then one semester when writing along with my students about my deepest dreams, I realized that there was something so much more I wanted for them--I wanted them to be compassionate human beings, capable of responding to the needs of others and caring enough to try to address the injustices of the world. In short, I wanted them to be like the person I am trying to become.

Nearly everyone is familiar with the initials "w.w.j.d."--"what would Jesus do?," but last night in our class discussion, I realized that my children often seem to live by the following acronym: "w.w.b.s.d."--"What would Bart Simpson do?" Apparently, Jesus and Bart are polar opposites--Jesus being incapable of selfishness, and Bart unfamiliar with selflessness.

I remember an episode of Friends where Chandler tells Phoebe that there is no such thing as a selfless act because doing one makes you feel better about yourself--hence you get something out of it! And certainly I know people from the church of my childhood who volunteer to help others in the hopes that it will raise their status in the community or secure them a Lazy-boy recliner on the right hand of God with a perpetual supply of popcorn. And working in a soup kitchen or even shingling a roof for Habitat for Humanity can reek of paternalism in the sense that we feel superior to those we help. Jeeze--what would Jesus do if he were here right now? Would he be blogging with the rest of us? Would he ever laugh outloud?

Perhaps what I am most proud of is my quest to better myself--to let go of my lower self that can be distracted by things and pleasures--and to embrace the part of me where patience comes effortlessly, tolerance tastes like a frozen yogurt treat, and love is a liquid that joins everyone. Yes, I am proud that I do not give up on anyone--my students, my children, my colleagues . . . and myself.

"It was a dark and stormy night . . ." (Mysti)

Hey all y'all--don't forget to include an excerpt from the beginning of your book--a line or paragraph or so--and tell us how or why you came to use this as your hook or lead. Are you happy with your decision?

And what about your ending? Did you find a place to jump out of the river onto the bank? Or are you still floating down the river aimlessly, stuck in an inner tube that can't find a current towards shore?

10 thing that i am pround of *Eileen*

10 things that i am pround of ( Eileen )

1. Going to college
2. my parents
3. going to work
4. saving money ( hard thing to do)
5. staying out of trouble
6. being a hair styles
7. I can cook and bake (all kinds)
8. my career
9. putting nice pictuers together
10.Graduaing from high school

The one thing i want to do is make my parents happy staying out of trouble,doing what i have to finish college and get my 2nd career done and having my own shop open one day.

Saving money is the hard thing to do. i love to spend money but i can use it all. i am trying my best to save up so i can get my car. when i see cash i well end up using it all .

Being a hair styles make me feel like a better person, i always love to make other people feel good about there self making them looking good from the hair, to there eye to the nail you have to do some thing for yourself.

Ten Thing that i am Proud of( Albertha Nicole Welch)

1.Returning back to school
2.Being a mother
3.Setting Goals for myself & Accomplishing them
4.Being able to get out of the night life safely
5.Martha Lucas
6.Being independant
7.My home
8.My work ethics
9.My dedication to suceed
10.My being able to still wear a two piece swimsuit after two kids and look good in it.

Becoming a mother is one of my proudest moments. I have had the pleasure of being invovled in. Looking back on both sides of my track. I am proud that turned out to be a warm open armed loving hopeful parent. Giving birth to my first son gave me understanding that no imature woman could handle. All the bad that was in my life went ou the door when my son came into my life's doorway.

I think i realized that he (Ashton) needed me more than anything i thought i could want comeing from the night life,an unhappy marriage,and a life just spent on waiting for someone to give me happniess.

In all reality my children gave me my strenght to want to do better and have a better, hugs and kisses always reminds men i am not alone even if my mother is gone. I feel her spirit all though me and she shines through my sons. .

So all this being said i am proud of many things in my life.

10 things I'm proud of (Shelonda)

10 things I’m proud of:
1. Going back to school
2. Raising my son alone
3. Being able to manage my time
4. My relationship with my family
5. How I can manage traffic in Dallas-Ft. Worth
6. My cooking abilities even though I don’t like to cook
7. How I manage to stay sane while working at HealthSouth
8. How I can survive the heat in Southeast Texas
9. How I was able to stand back on my feet after my husband’s death
10. Being able to get my home repaired alone after Hurricanes Rita and Ike
What I am most proud of is being able to stand back on my two feet after the death of my husband.I had literally fell apart when the doctor informed me that his heart just gave out and they could not revive him. That type of pain is something that I would never with upon anyone. My sister-in-law Mona had to drive me bck to Beaumont, because I was unable to . it took me to take a good long look at my son for me to be able to pull myself back together. I also had to keep myself busy. If I didn’t I would start to think a lot about him and all that did was depress me.

10 things I'm proud of. (PHONG)

1. Finishing the book.
2. Studying for the grammar test.
3. Learning how to cook.
4. Finishing the test to easily.
5. Did not complain about the assignments.
6. Came to class.
7. Working to pay for own classes.
8. Staying in school.
9. Determined to finish school.
10. Almost done with summer I classes.

When I lived in Austin, my lifestyle changed. I am no longer was I a fan of McDonald's and Taco Bell. First of all, eating chalupas and french fries for each meal becomes boring. Secondly, it's more expensive than eating at home. After two semesters of unhealthy living, I made a goal for myself. Learn how to cook. Nothing extraordinary, but things like chili dogs, pasta dishes, fruit salads, and pancakes, just to name a few. It feels good to see a final product that I created, that I tweaked to my preference, not to mention the gratitude on the side when my sister comments on how delicious it is. I brought my skills back home, and occasionally I cook for my parents. Though it's far from what they usually it, they dive in into an explosion of peculair flavor combination. I like variety, so my food has variety. No matter how bad it tastes, I'm proud of it.

I'm Proud of...*LaDonna*

1. Graduating

2. being cheerleader captain

3. Director of youth praise dance at church

4. a role model

5. being strong

6. contiuing my education

7. my career goal

8. my past

9. my parents

10. myself

I can't really choose one to write about so will what Mysti would call "Jump".

I am proud of being the elementary youth praise dance director only because, i chose to do it. I felt that God placesd it in my heart to care enough for the little gilrs in my church to teach them what i was taught as a child. I learned about praise dancing when i was about six years old. I notticed that the little girls of my church today did not have to privilege to get that experience with God. So, i took the liberty myself to take them under my wing and teach them what God has taught me. This is a big success. They love dancing and they love praising God. They are growing so much in front of my eyes and i am so grateful and proud to say that i had something to do with that.

I am also proud of graduating/career goal. Both of them work hand in hand. i am mostly proud of graduating with honors. My brother hadn't set a real good example for me, so I had to learn things about school myself. I took the hard classes and tried my best in all of them. I graduated top 20% of my class. I couldn't be happier. Now I am also proud of my decision for a career goal. I want to be a nurse. But not just any nurse, neo-natal nurse i have the next six to eight years of my life mapped out and i plan on sticking to them.

My parents. I am so proud of all of my parents. They have raised a strong, smart, beautiful girl. I don't know where i would be without them. they are my rock.

I lost two friends last year. I when i heard the news of each of them, I wanted to cry. I didn't. I knew that i needed to be strong for the ones who couldn't. I had to help them through this difficult time. One of my classmates died in a car accident. We were all devastated i went to the hospital where he was located and pronounced dead. I wanted to fall on my knees and break down. I looked to my left and seen his ex-girlfriend, my best friend, already on the ground. I needed to help her. I wanted to be strong. Many people think that being strong is all about having the strenght or who can do something for the longest. Not me, being strong is when you can be a mental help for others. When you stand up when they can't. Speak when they can't. Be there for them, when everyone else is too scared too. I was strong when i knew that times were hard. Don't get me wrong, at night i cried on the floor and bed, asking myself why. But when i got a phone call from a friend who just wanted someone to listen, i dried my tears and put strenghth in my voice and simply said, "I'm here." I don't know why i place it upon myself to do it, but somebody has to... right?

10 Things Im Proud of (Colin Fisher)

1. Finding my true character (telling my friends about my true character)
2. Changing my last name
3. Finishing my book
4. Going to college
5. Raising my little brother
6. Hitting level 80
7. Being able to find somthing to laugh about
8. Being able to write what i really think
9. Finishing this class
10. Finding 10 things im proud of

Im proud that i found my true character in life. before i moved to port neches nobody liked me because of who i was, just some quiet skinny kid the oddball of the school. but once i moved here the first group of people i met i said somthing to make them laugh then i laughed. so for years i have been adding on to my outerself to be the funny guy that everyone can laugh with and at. with this outerself i tried to forget the sad little me inside my head, but the writing we did in this class just seemed to bring back bad memories. my friends see that the only emotion i show is happiness always cheerful. but thats not true whenever nobody is around it is quiet, no laughter only sad lonliness. i have made stupid decisions in my life that are no laughing matter but nobody knows that but me and if anyone finds out i tell them its no big deal i just laughed it off, but saying somthing is different from doing somthing. i wish i could tell my friends how i really am that im not always a cheerful person, that it is just a mask i wear to cover up myself from the outerworld. i dont tell them because everyone has accepted the mask and i dont want to show them my true self out of fear of what they will think. but during this class i have learned more about my innerself through my journals i have learned to accept myself. i have been slowly pushing my innerself out because i accept it and so do my friends, because i have found out we are alike in more ways then we thought.

Taste (Phong) - super late

I haven't seen her in moths. I was ready for our dinner date after a long while of detachment. WE started our way towards Tuscany Italian restaurant, but with our luck it is closed on Mondays. ALl out of ideas, I blattered out Roadhouse since it was the first thing I saw. We sat there pondering on what to order and I stated, "how come there can't be numbers beside the items". Deciding what to eat is the toughest task for both of us. FInally, I settled for a piece of sirloin and half a rack of ribs with side orders of steak fries and mashed potatoes. I told the waitress that I wanted the steak medium well. After a fourty minute wait, our meal finally arrived. WE both said our prayers and took our fork and went for the potatoes. Mine was loaded like a baked potatoes with cheese and bacon with sour cream on the side. Expecting a blissful experience as usual, I tried to savor the taste. Once the cold, hardened cheese and greasy bacon touched my lips, it changed my mindset in an instant. The potatoes was right between warm and cold. Disappointed, I decided to take a bite of my steak. Once I pierced the piece of meat with my fork, I knew it wasn't cooked to my preference. The dried piece of steak could have literally been broken by a set of hands. Drenching the steak with A1 sauce could not revive it from dehydration. Strike two. Next up was the ribs. Just as i broken off a peice, an obnoxious waiter that was looking over my shoulder asked how were the ribs. My reply, "I don't know yet".
The meal, horrible. The food wasn't great. However, since it was a meal with her, it was quite the delight. Seeing her enjoy her catfish fillet and a mountain of fries. Her smiling at my dissatification of my food, and complaint of everything. Delightful.

Process of my writting by (Albertha N. Welch)

I need a quite place where my thoughts can run off the trails of my brain on the highway of my tongue. Give me my chair next to the lampstanding on my coffee in table. Give me great lighting. Give me peace and quite from the children's play.Give me a nice frozen margarita and a cigarette. Run the kids out of the house. "Go play in the backyard or you can go ride your bike" is all you'll here me say. Sitting in my chair looking for something in the room that will jog my words to come out. I also unplug the telephone, radio,and turn off the cell phone.
I try to find something that is meaningful and has something to be told.First i think of what is this writting suppose to say, then how much do i want to say about the subject? How deep am i willing to go to get the bigger picture across to my reader? I have always said people dont go through things for nothing and maybe my open spirit will help someone else through. Next i have to try to proof read because of my writting some times get jumbled up with my words. And finally if i get stuck then i just walk away and do something else until it comes back to mind. Thats usally my sign of needing a break.

Things I'm Proud Of (Luis)

That I actually started caring about how I my grades were in college and brought my grades up.
That I’m in college
That I have a good job
That I’m majoring in electrical engineering
That I have not done drug

When I first started college I was anxious to get started. Once I got into my classes I didn’t apply myself like I should have. In one of my classes, sociology, the teacher told everybody we would need to read the book to pass, well I didn’t listen and the first two tests I failed them. After that I started reading the book and I improved my grade but not good enough, I passed with a C. At the time I was satisfied with the outcome of my grades, and thought that one C along with B’s was satisfactory. The next semester in the spring was worst because I made two D’s and then had to retake the courses. After that I knew I had to pick up the slack if didn’t want to be in college the rest of my life with a low GPA. It wasn’t easy getting in to the habit of studying. I just aimed at the big goal of graduating and getting a good job making good money. I know it sounds stupid but when I start getting into a bind I just think about having my own house and new truck and it makes the black clouds turn to blue. I know it’s silly but it always works for me, and I say use whatever works. I study long and late hours with classmates at the library. This takes a lot of dedication because I have friends calling me to go parties and movies and almost every part of me wants to go, but I tell them I can’t. All this hard work pays off when people ask me what my GPA is because I get an amazing feeling that comes across me when I see the amazement in that person’s eye after telling them. That’s not even half of it because I know it hadn’t always been good. It used to be low and I brought it up because of determination.

Monday, July 6, 2009

10 Things I'm Proud of... (Tuan)

10 Things I'm Proud of... (Tuan)
1. Kicking my asthma butt!
2. Smacking my blood problem in the face!
3. Finishing my 27 long hours of community Service. (Damn that took forever)
4. Graduating from High School. (Boo yah baby!)
5. Making it to the top 10% of my class. (What a pain in the butt it was.)
*6. Creating my Vanilla ice cream mix with Babe Ruth candy today. (Delicioso!)
7. Making my family proud.
8. Completing my damn book for Mrs. Rudd class! (Hours of pain and agony man)
9. Living life as it goes by. (Drama free)
10. Winning my first tennis game. (Can't beat us!)

It is one hour before midnight, as my glasses mirrors the bright image the silver/black laptop produced as it laided on my bed. With my laptop blasting its vocals ahead and my television to the left plays its little show. A beast within begin to roar, my little belly. "Argh... I'm so hungry." I said to myself as I stretched out my yellow flowered bed. Pulling down my white muscle shirt, I headed towards the kitchen and thought to myself, "What is there to eat?" As I open the right side of white fridge I began to scratch my butt through my silky blue pants and saw nothing desiring to eat. I then opened the freezer towards the left. With angels singing in my head, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH." There it was, vanilla ice cream! It was like the ice cream was floating towards me with this illuminating light, shining over around it saying to me, "Tony. Eat me. You know you want to." Instantly grabbed the one banana colored carton and went towards the sink to the left to scoop the ice cream into the medium size bowl left on the counter. With the bowl half full of the vanilla ice cream, I suddenly remember. I seen candy in the fridge! As I began to head back towards fridge. My mom yelled out to me in the living room couch, "Tony what are you doing?"
"I'm making ice cream mommy." I replied to her as I opened the fridge.
"Oh. Do you need help?"
"No mom, I got it." I said as I scan the fridge. Snickers, Babe Ruth, Orange Trident, and pepper mints (wthell is pepper mints doing in there?) were the only choices.
"Okay don't get hurt." (Wahh? Get hurt from making ice cream? Come on mom!) She said as I began choose.
"I wont mom. It's just ice cream." I said to her. "Snicker is the choice!" I said to myself as I grabbed the candy. "But I never tried Babe Ruth with ice cream before." I thought to myself as I dropped the snicker to grab the Babe. "Hmm this candy is to hard to break apart." I thought to myself as I began to bend it. "Time to go to drastic measures!" I whispered as I grabbed the plastic cutting board and knife. Because the candy was so hard to cut. I began to have second thoughts of sticking it in the ice cream because what if it turns hard as a rock? That shit will break my tooth! But I persevere. With two minutes of placing my full weight on the palm of my hand into the knife handled. It began to chopped. Crumbs were scattering everywhere throughout the white chopping board and I was complete. Lending the board towards my bowl, I began to use the opposite side of the knife cutting blade to slide off the scraps of candy on the board into the bowl. Afterwards I began to scoop up more of the delicious ice cream into the bowl to fill up the other half. Then... I began to squish and mix the candy into the ice cream crevasses. The fumes of the ice cream flowed by me, making my mouth watery as I placed the carton back into the freezer. With that I headed back towards my room anxious to eat it. I with a cheesy smile and nappy head, I sat down and began to dig in into its creamy texture. Finally as I began to lift the ice cream with my silver spoon, I began to move it towards my mouth. I stared at the spoon as the creamy texture of the ice cream along with the chocolaty chunks of the Babe Ruth candy began to glisten from the light above. Finally with the spoon in my mouth. I began to swirl and chew into the rock hard chocolate. The taste was marvelous. Just like the ice cream at Marble slab. Overall, the creation that I made today was mouth filling.

10 Proud Things-Elizabeth Domingue

1.Moving off alone
2.Qualifying for World
3.My relationship
4.Writing a 22 page book
5.Decorating my house.

I spent the last few months of my senior year listening to my friends talk about signing up for classes together, getting and apartment,and being roommates. I didn't have anyone moving to the same town I was so I had to do theses things alone. The reality of having to make all new friends and not knowing anyone in the town I was moving to did not hit until a week after school started. I went shopping at target and saw girls everywhere with their roommates picking out decorations and shopping. I drove home three hours crying that night. Maybe it had been getting to me awhile but that was the straw that set me off. I learned to deal with the fact that if I wanted to have friends in my new town I would have to make them. Once I came to terms with this fact I learned to love the town. It was a very hard time for me and I am proud of myself for not giving up.

Beginning and End-Elizabeth Domingue


Passion is an object of desire or deep interest; the state or capacity of being acted on by an external agent or force. Many confuse passion with love. These are two very different things. Although you can love your passion, love, one simple word does not describe this infatuation. This fascination that draws you to it, no matter how hard you try to concentrate and relate to other things it is there pulling you towards it.

Some find their passion after years of searching while others live their lives full of love but lack this attraction. What is a life without passion? It is living without feeling. It is living without being uncontrollably pulled to something. For me, I did not search. I was unaware that passion would find me. Early in life, without warning, I would be drawn to one thing. I would spend the next fifteen years devoting myself to it. Shedding blood, sweat, and tears to live up to my own expectations I set for myself. Striving to do better, I would learn more about life than I could have ever imagined. Living, breathing, and loving this one thing would change my life and pave the way for becoming the person I am today.

I started out talking about passion because it describes the theme of the book. It gives the reader a view of the importance of what the character loses later on in the story. I also added a summary of what the first of the book is about.

I will be moving off to college in two weeks. I am going to go to A&M. I want to be a vet, hopefully. I am going to miss him more than anything. He is my best friend and my safe place. I will be three hours away from him. I have never been that far. I am excited to meet new friends but nervous for the changes that are sure to occur.

“I set your boxes in your room,” my mom tells me when I come in from the stable. “It’s about time you start packing, I will be in there to help in a little bit.”

I open my door and look at the boxes stacked against my wall. I can’t help but think how much room has changed since I was little. Once bright and summery the walls are now red and brown. One thing remains the same. The picture. The one that inspired me to ride, the one that lead me to my passion. I will always love this picture just as I will always love riding. I don’t remember what it feels like to sit on a horse those memories seemed to slip away quickly but I do remember how it made me feel. It was the feeling of pure joy.

I ended the book by referring chapter one and a picture my mother gave me. I jumped to the end of high school and moving off to college to represent the change in my life. Although I was no longer able to ride the picture remained with me.

10 things I am proud of...(Summer)

1. forgiving my Father before he passed away
2. being the mother I am today-I am not perfect and probably never will be but I do the very best I can
3. for choosing to go back to school after 9 years
4. that I am independent and have not had to rely on anyone as an adult (except my husband)
5. getting my first car at the age of 20 all by myself
6. controlling my self when my step-kids mother yelled out that I had issues at a baseball game
7.for finding the strength to leave my first husband
8. quitting taking anti-depression medicine and controlling my depression
9. having the courage to ask my now husband over for dinner
10. having the determination to go to school, be a wife and a mother to five children

Being a wife and mother of five children can be quite a handful and I am always asked this same question. How do you do it? My honest answer is, "I don't know." Sometimes I go through the day like a zombie. Just moving from task to task with no emotion what so ever. This makes me sad because I don't have the energy or strength most of the time to set aside time for genuine alone time with each of them. I am constantly reading self-help parenting books to learn and get more knowledgable about raising children that come from divorced parents because that is where all of ours come from. I had two and my husband had three from his previous relationship and it has been very challenging bringing these two families together. This challenge is what drives me every day. Lately it seems that I go, go, go until I drop into bed at night but in the end it is worth it. My family is extremely important to me and I will do anything I can for them.

The Writing Process-Elizabeth Domingue

For me writing is like running. It takes a lot of courage to start and even more to keep going. The first page or mile may come with ease but each word or step gets harder.
Remembering small details keeps the pace of the story. It helps me to close my eyes and re-live the experience I am writing about. The words seem to flow onto the page easier if they are fresh in my memory. Just as a runner I often reach a point where I feel I can no longer go on. A point where I feel I have exhausted my information. Taking a break and keeping busy doing something else helps me to take a step back and look at the story from a different angle.
Not wearing yourself out is the secret to writing. Learn what pace is good for you and you will be able to write forever.

My Beginning to End (Tuan Tran)

"Finally! Schools over!" I said to myself. A graduate from DeQueen Elementry heading to become a more mature adolescent. With a cheesy smile on my head, I walked around school with my pockets jammed with the ceaseless M&M's and the teachers gave us that were slowly sagging my pants towards the ground. Strolling around the school, I noticed a weird thumping sound after every step I took. As I began to walk faster, the clanking sound would soon follow. Eventually I stopped to noticed that the sound would cease to exist after I stopped. Annoyed, I sat down in the middle of the hallway and began inspecting myself. As my eyes began to target my shoe, I discovered that there was a huge red tack lodge deep within the middle of my sneakers. Struggling to get the tack off my cleat. My english teacher, Mrs. Rhodes, happen to stroll by staring at me with a question marks in her head wondering why the hell is the bottom of my shoe was wedged between my mouth. The expression that broked out between us was priceless.

I admit the first couple of lines sucks and isn't as catchy as others, but I started it off that way to introduced my time of age and my personality at the time. I find that ending the the paragraph with the shoe in my mouth was a good way to show that the book is going to be very humorist.

Overall my graduation was awesome, as I slept at night smiling and repeating to myself. "All for you dad"

I ended my story with my graduation to show that the story was about what my titled actually said, "The Life of a Young Boy Growing Up." This book really show how my personality barely changed throughout the year. I guess I stopped there because it was one of the most recent significant event in my life and..... that I didn't have enough time to add more to the story. Which sucks btw. Though the last four words. "All for you dad," was placed there because after the incident. I knew my dad main goal was to see me graduate and grow. Though I really didn't explain it much within my book. That was the real reason why I ended it that way.

Beginning and End (Summer)

“Life could be a dream
If I could take you up in paradise up above
If you would tell me I’m the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart.”
-I chose this as my beginning because when I start the book I am looking back to a time when life was a dream and I was young and careless with no responsibilities. Such a sweet time in any persons life. It often goes by too fast though. The idea to put the song lyrics didn't come to me until I was almost done with the book. When we went over great beginnings in class I looked over mine and made some changes.

Thinking about certain aspects, I realize that Robert is nothing like my dad. Could that be because my dad is not around anymore? Have I broken the cycle of finding a partner similar to my father because he is no longer here? Where my parent’s never learned how to communicate, we talk our problems out. We have never broken up or gotten in a major fight much less an argument. We talk and compromise and work things out. We are nothing like my parents were. On about two occasions we have gone to bed mad but I like the saying, “Never go to bed mad,” and “Kiss me before you go to bed.” I think I have learned a lot from watching my parent’s.
-This was was the wrapping up process. As I look over the book and read the pages now I feel like there is so much missing. Oh well, another book another time.

The Beginning....(JaLisa)

As a twenty-one years old young woman, i feel that trust is a fragile word. trust is so overlooked in relationships. More and more young couples forget to build that in the relationship before they decide to get married or have a child together. Trust is a word that makes me nervous when spoken in a relationship. My views on the importance of trust, being that is is the main ingredient to a healthy relationship, you cannot do without it.

Before doing workshop, this wasnt my beginning of my book. i had a definition which i thought would have been different but by having that at the beginning, it just wasnt strong enough. so i changed up so things by putting my second paragraph as my first and making that definition its own page with a picture on it. i really had a hard time starting this book off, thats why it took me so long to finish it. but when i actually started to write the book, it begin to flow. i hope that i dont hurt anyone feelings when they read this but sometimes the truth hurts. the truth has to be said for anything to change, tho. i hope this is a strong enough begin to catch the readers attention and make them want to read more.....

I am proud of......(JaLisa)

1. my self standing up to my trust issue
2. not being worried about judgement from my peers and family
3. finding the airport and getting on the plan to go to Chicago all by myself..(i am scared of heights)
4. getting back into school after an year and a half
5. being more focus in life
6. Charles, my ex-boyfriend
7. stop shopping so much
8. my godchildren
9. my father
10. Will, my boyfriend

"No, I am not running anymore!", I yelled at my trust issue. With my past experiences with trust, i just had a hard time trusting again. When i would get into a relationship with males and things become hard between us i simply give up on trying to trust them about. Never wanted to fight the battle with trust. i thought all men were the same but they are not. i think that i kept fishing with the same bate. now i am taking steps with learning how to trust another man again. i block all the negative thoughts out of my mind and don't react on assumptions. take the time to find out the own story and talk about it. being patient with the person and listen what they have to say instead of going off of what i think. still today i put up a fight each day of my life but refuse to run.

How I Felt as They Read....(Jalisa)

I felt so nervous but anxious for everybody to read the begin of my book. The chapters that they are reading are very personal and deep. I really put all my feelings out on that paper. I have been thru a lot of drama and stress so i have a lot to say. I thank Ms. Rudd so much for allowing this book writing to continue because since i've been writing this book, it helped me cope with all t he feelings that are stored deep within my heart come out. I felt like everyone will look at me different now that they know the true Jalisa. I really am scared of judgement. But in a way i care less of what they because everyone have a past. At first, i stepped outside of the classroom because i was so nervous that it made me sick to my stomach a lil'. But i begin to think to myself and said self "You betta get yourself together and go back into that room, just because you have a past that will make people look at you different, look how far you came and how strong you are now. Now get!".... Then i felt this brave feeling came over me and i held my head up high and was strong enough to go back in the room and sit in my chair with joy in my heart smiling from ear to ear. I kicked the embarrassment to the curb and will not let no discourage me bc i have grown so much from what i use to be. I felt proud!

My beginning (Julia)

It is a stormy day in the summer on 1997 as the gray clouds covered the beautiful blue sky, letting out its roaring thunder. The traffic's growing heavier and the sound of the wiper blades against the window is making me impatient and somewhat annoyed. A circle is formed as I wipe the window, yet all I can see are cars’ headlights becoming a blur and cars inching along the highway. As rain pours heavily, I look at my mom. Her eyes look a little tired, and I'm sure it's because she works all the time. It's rare that she's taking me somewhere, so I wonder where we are headed to.

I start the beginning by describing the place at that time. I want my reader to know what I'm seeing or where I am at first. I'm not sure if the first paragraph kept people's interest, but during workshop, I received good suggestions. Describing the place and putting as much details as I can is what I did. I think it helps set up the story, and help others understand more. It’s also a way for me to get the reader to understand where the story will take place, and what the surroundings of the place are. The ending was a summary about the relationship between my mother and me. Since the whole book is about what happened in my childhood, the ending is about how I felt about my mother, and the decision she made. I’m not that sure myself, if the beginning is a hook or the ending was how I wanted. I jammed a lot of what I wrote before the due date. With the giving time, I couldn’t edit or revise it as much, but I’m glad I’m done.

Begining and End (Luis)

I’m not even twenty one years old yet. What do I know about life? I can tell you right now: almost nothing. I know this, though: Life never stays still, we all move along and change. We become new people every day. We learn through experiences and, not find ourselves, but create ourselves as we continue through our lives. I have only lived for twenty years, but I know I’m not who I once was. I can prove this. I’m not even the same person I was just a few years ago. And I will never be that guy again.

There is still so much of my life left, though. I have time to keep growing, morally and mentally, I mean. Although I’m sure I’ll grow sideways, too. Love them burritos. So I’ll keep on keepin’ on, and we’ll see what happens!

The Begining and The End (Mandy)

I struggled with the ending of my book because I ran out of time. I intend on stay tuned to Chapter Five...

There are many pathways through life's journey. Unfortunately, some of us get off course and take the wrong paths. This is a story about many wrong decisions and how they can take you way off course and how the power of forgiveness and prayer can restore you and get you back on course. As I tell you this story, I hope to gain your attention, not of judgement or critism, but of love, compassion, and forgiveness. There since, have been lots of tears cried, many lessons learned, and a whole new life gained.

Here I am, it's been eight years since my life has changed and one year since my divorce. I am still living for the Lord and so thankful that I am. Who knows where I would be today if it hadn't been for the Lord bringing me out and setting me on that straight path. I can't say that I haven't had struggles because I have fought many battles, but at least this time I am on the winning side. Although there are many things in my past that I cannot change, I have made peace with the Lord and He has allowed me to move on. As for the others involved, I have sincerely asked for forgiveness and will always continue to pray for them and hope somehow that they will find it in their hearts to forgive me.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

begin and end Phong.

Through these new acquaintances of responsibilities I met within those two years I lived away from a sheltered environment, I've matured drastically. No more am I unthankful for a little sister that I can ask politely to do the laundry and dishes so that my parents would not have to stand at the sink or in front of the dryer loading and unloading pinked shirts. I keep it as a reminder that I still need help, no matter how mature I think I have gotten. No more am i ungrateful for the things my parents have set out and done for my brothers, sisters, and I during the first eighteen years of my life, and fifty more years that we'll need their help. Through the boredome I faced being away from the younger siblings, and the need of familiar faces, I have learned that family is more important than friends, and all else that exists in this world. NO more am I willing to use a coin toss or the magic eight ball to make decisions that will ultimately impact my future as a person and as one entity of any relationship. No more am I incomplete. At least until another decision is to be made on my own.

At a glimpse, I knew what I was letting go of. Not the education, but the lifestyle. The atmostphere in which so many of my siblings experienced for all four years, the atmosphere they wanted for me. I was ready to let go. Two years was enough for me. I lived and learned. Surely I could have stayed for another three years. I found no purpose to. I knew I was capable of doing so. I didn't see the worth. Was it worth being from the core of the family. Was it necessary for me to e away to get a teaching degree that I can get back at home. I don't know if I did it for them, or because it made me happy. An answer is yet to be found When I tell those from home about my decision to move home, they ask why. Truthfully, I don't know. I never sat down and thought about it. I feel that ti's not just one event or one significant person, rather a collection of all things that revolves around me. But what are the things that revovle around me. Ultimately, I hope in writing will I find the answer.

I don't really know why I started my book this way, but it felt right. To start with the most recent event and reflect upon it. Maybe it works better if I leave it out completely, maybe I shouldn't.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The opening and closing of my book (Jeremy Stewart)

At first i didn't know how to start my book, but while we were work shopping in class I got an idea on how to start my book. So, I started it with a scene and it turned out to be pretty good. "I can't get tired; if I get I'm dead". I was not really thinking about my opening sentence but when we discussed it in class It seemed like a good way to grab attention so I stuck with it. I was optimistic about sharing it with the class, but when we discussed it during my workshop the introduction to my book was fine and it kept interest and in the end that was what I was aiming for. As for my ending, I'm not gonna lie I didn't give it a lot of thought because I had to rush it and end my book sooner than I wanted to. "I slowly walked off of the bus into what I hoped would be my high school for the next four years. "I saw a large canopy above me that lead me the doors that would shape my future". I will probably go back one day and finish it, but as for now I'm just gonna keep a copy with me in case I ever have to write like this again and ill be prepared XD.